After scanning it into the computer, I started to trace it by using the Illustator. This is how it look like after I trace it:

Follow up, I'm trying to make it more details by putting in colors. At first, I edit the font with colors which is blue and yellowish golden.

Then, I color the circle with black and edit it with the gradient tool. I'm using the radial gradient for the circle. Besides that, I also color the droplet with green and make it the same way by using the radial of gradient tool. After that, draw out the retangle with red inside and i duplicate it into another 6 of it. Before masking, I put the arrangement which send the strips to the back of the shape of my logo and mask them together. This is how the picture look like:

This is the last which is the attachtment of everythings and the Shell logo of mine is completed. The logo is now like this.

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